Warehouse Transaction Validation

Nguyen Tran Phu
Phan Quoc Binh
Tran Kim Bao
Dang Nguyen Truong Long

There  is  growing  concern  regarding  the  reliability  and  consistency  of  third party  logistics  providers  and businesses with high transit demand, like Intel, as logistics becomes a more prominent and well liked mode of transportation  in  the  shipping  industry. Erroneous  dock  date  information  exposes  children  to  inappropriate  employee honesty and puts Intel resources at risk of financial loss. The dock date is the date that Intel received merchandise and was manually entered by Intel employees. This paper develops a web based dock date validation system to deal with incorrect dock date data. In order to identify the most crucial elements during the detection process, the suggested system also has an automatic, direct checking capacity with leading logistics firms like  DHL,  Fedex,  and  CNW  via  their  APIs.  The  outputs  of  the application will  be  able  to  show  that  the system  is capable of producing outcomes with impressive precision.The program automatically analyses each item's dock date (receiving time) in submitted excel files. The official data collected from the appropriate partner delivery provider, such as DHL, CNW, or FedEx, via the open tracking API or/and tracking sites, will then be utilized to compare and authenticate each dock date. Finally, the application will export dashboard data in an excel file that includes the accuracy percentage, actual dock date, and reported one. Finally, Team Localhost and Intel worked well together to test a deployed application with actual, valid data, and the outcome was satisfactory to both sides.

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